Delivery Manager Material Tracking Software
Delivery Manager tracks medication and material shipments however they’re sent. Whether it's through the pneumatic tube system, other automated transportation methods, or manual transport, users can manage chain-of-custody. With complete visibility into all order details, including status, location and delivery method, Delivery Manager increases accountability, efficiency, and security, throughout the organization.
Delivery Intelligence Amplified
Maintaining control of the medication distribution process in hospitals is a critical piece of ensuring chain-of-custody.With Delivery Manager software, all departments can track movement of materials from the time the order is initially received to the time it's delivered to its intended destination.

How Delivery Manager Can Benefit You:
Blood Bank
When problems occur, facilities staff must act quick. With Delivery Manager, facilities personnel can see exactly where the carrier and its contents are located and can address it efficiently.
The lab manages thousands of transactions at any given time. Delivery Manager not only provides great visibility throughout this process, it reduces the amount of status queries from other departments.
Nurses must be proficient in many different aspects of care, but tracking down carriers shouldn't be one of them. Delivery Manager helps nurses stay focused on patients rather than materials.
With thousands of medications filled daily, hospital pharmacies that aren't tracking medication are both inefficient and out of compliance. Delivery Manager lets pharmacy staff ensure prescriptions are reaching the right patients at the right time.

Maintain Chain-Of-Custody:

Complete Visibility:
Tracks movement from carrier packaging to delivery. WhoTube shows who has interacted with the carrier.

Comprehensive Tracking:
Covers manual, automated, and pneumatic tube system deliveries for medications and materials.

Real-time Information:
Enables real-time verification of material location and confirms arrival to the correct station at the right time.

Convenient Access:
Web-based software is easily accessible on any device within the network.

Bedside Viewing:
Nurses can access all order details via kiosk screens at patients’ bedsides.

Software that can connect, scale, and evolve alongside your organization.